Commander A to Z - Baru, Fist of Krosa

Commander A to Z - Baru, Fist of Krosa

For the next entry in my Commander A to Z series, I have selected Baru, Fist of Krosa. Each week, I will be selecting one potentially powerful yet underused commander that begins with each letter of the alphabet to highlight. This series was born out of my love for commander as a format and a desire to see some exciting new synergies that I've never considered. These decks may not be top-tier for winning but I'm always looking to have the most fun playing EDH. Check out a deck tech and full list below.

Baru, Fist of Krosa is a relatively straightforward commander with a deceptively complex deckbuilding pattern. On the surface, his ability appears to be easy to utilize with the simple requirement of putting more lands into play in order to make your own Overrun. And, obviously, go ahead and ignore the Grandeur ability since we won't have any other copies of Baru in your deck. Unless, your cheating. However, the process takes a challenging turn when you begin to attempt to get the maximum value out of your triggers. For example, what's the point of giving your creatures +3/+3 and trample if you only have two creatures? And what are you going to do with all the creatures if you don't have Baru, Fist of Krosa on the battlefield? All of these questions lead to a much more interesting brew than even I anticipated with, hopefully, a variety of effects all synergizing with each other in different and, most importantly, powerful, exciting ways. 

The most vulnerable part of any game for this deck will be early when you haven't assembled the machine that the deck is striving to create. Essentially, you'll be casting dorky creatures like Farhaven Elf and Sakura Tribe Scout and perhaps firing off a ramp spell to keep pace with your opponents. However, unlike most EDH decks, you want to try not to fire off all of your spells that fetch a land such as Rampant Growth and Explosive Vegetation immediately as they can turn into huge damage swings with your commander on the battlefield. 

Once you begin to reach the middle part of the game, your deck's machine should begin to assemble and there should be three major pieces: first of all, you have the sacrifice outlets and targets such as Greater Good and Liege of Hollows; next, you should have the token generators such as Deranged Hermit and Avenger of Zendikar; and, finally, there are the land synergy pieces with cards such as Tireless Tracker, Undergrowth Champion, and, of course, your commander. And when you put all of these together, what do you get? An unstoppable force of lands and creatures that will eternally threaten to become huge at a moment's notice and then can feed off of each other for even greater value. Throw some of the biggest, dumbest, most expensive spells in magic history because of all of the lands you'll have in play such as Crush of Wurms and Decree of Savagery and there should be multiple ways for you to close out a match in style.


  1. Baru, Fist of Krosa



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