Dark Souls 3 - How to Beat the Nameless King
The Nameless King
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https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Cd2FHb-QS_E/maxresdefault.jpg |
Recommended Gear
- Light-Medium Armor (Dodging is a must for this fight)
- The strongest weapon that can make an attack in less than 1.15 seconds (Greatswords and Greataxes are not recommended)
- Shield with 57+ Stability and high lightning resistance
- Chloranthy Ring, Ring of Favor
Move Set and Recommended Reaction - Phase One - King of the Storm
- Lightning Spear Slam - The Nameless King will raise his sword spear into the air, it will crackle with lightning and then he will come crashing down. This move does massive damage if it hits you directly. However, it is also clearly telegraphed, easy to dodge, and he has no follow-up attacks. Dodge through it when he begins to move his spear downward and then swing twice at the King of the Storm's neck. Break lock-on and retreat and lock back on.
- Fire Breathing - King of the Storm will emit a high pitched screech and emit a medium ranged, medium damaging arc of fire in front of him. If you can identify this screech early, this is an excellent time to charge to the left of the neck and swing two-three times. Then back off.
- Flying Lightning Spear - King of the Storm will take off and the Nameless King will throw a lighting spear at you as he circles you. Dodge the lightning spear and then continuously walk backwards with your shield up. The boss will land with a crash and attempt to hit you for heavy damage before landing for good. You can get a shot in if you run at him after you dodge the initial landing swipe.
- Charge Stab - Without buffing his weapon, The Nameless King will lunge forwards with his spear for medium damage and a knock back. It is possible to dodge through this for an extra hit but I recommend just blocking and waiting for a better opening as it is hard to distinguish this from his three hit combo.
- Three Hit Combo - A medium-range combo attack that can either hit twice or three times for medium damage. He'll sweep from left to right, then right to left, then into a downward charge. If he staggers you on the first or second hit, he will hit for the third time. If you block the first hit, either immediately start rolling out of range or block if you know your shield and stamina can take it (Greatshields only).
- Close Range Spear Slam - If he slides down the neck and lifts his spear vertically, he'll do a quick medium damaging slam. Either block or dodge and then you can hit the neck once.
- Wind Wave - King of the Storm will rise into the air and flap his wings until he sends a wave of air at you that will knock you back and deal relatively moderate damage. Just try and block this with full stamina and wait for his next move. If you can't block this with your shield, then try and roll through it and have an estus ready to go.
Move Set and Recommended Reaction - Phase Two - The Nameless King
- Aerial Lighting Slam - The King will jump into the air and hover while his spear charges with lighting before rapidly descending for huge damage. Dodge this and make sure to get in a hit here before pulling up your shield. It is one of the few obvious openings in this part of the fight.
- One-handed Three-hit Combo - The King will swipe from your left to right, then right to left, then use a thrust at the end. If you have a fast enough weapon, it is possible to get a hit in. Otherwise wait it out.
- Charged Thrust Dash - Pulling his spear back, lightning will flash on the blade and he will charge forward for heavy damage. Dodge this and chase him down for a hit.
- Air Sweep Combo - The King will rapidly charge and swipe from your left, pulling air with him and then immediately charge back at you for a combo. Do not engage him here. Dodge the swipe and bring your shield up to block the follow up.
- Charged Quick Thrust - The King will follow up one of his normal quick slashes with a quick thrust while his spear is enwreathed in lightning. Dodge at all costs. This move will go straight through shields and initiate and massively damaging grab attack.
- Two-handed Combo - When he two hands his spear, he will generally swipe from the left of your screen to the right then back again. If you dodge away, he will generally reset after these two but if you stick close and dodge through them, he will then try and thrust at you leaving him open for a counter attack. Be wary if blocking as these attack will deplete more stamina than the one-handed combo by a significant margin.
- Wind Slash - From a distance, the King will uppercut his spear to send a volley of air at you that will stun you and deal moderate damage. He can do this twice in a row. Just close the distance before this becomes a problem.
- Side Dash and Thrust - The King will rapidly dash 90 degrees to your left and then come in quickly for a thrust attack for a large amount of damage. If you can get your timing down, this is one of the best moments to dodge and strike back. This attack comes much quicker than you'd expect so dodge as soon as he starts moving forward.
- Lightning Slam - The King will raise his swordspear in the air and slam it down for an AoE attack. The AoE will have an initial burst of damage followed by rivulets of lightning that trace outward. Just get to a medium distance if you see this attack happening and don't try to dodge through it. Sometimes, it might work but other times, you'll get tagged by one of the lightning aftershocks staggering you for his next attack.
In order to beat The Nameless King, you have to enter the fight with the knowledge that this is actually two boss fights in a row. Split your Estus is in half and divide what ever spells or items you wish to use the same way. Conserve as much as you can and be as conservative with your attacks as possible while maintaining consistent damage. Don't get greedy and try for another swing of there's even a chance of being punished and always leave a little stamina back to dodge the bosses next maneuver. The first stage of the fight has very specific moments to strike so always try and take advantage of them. Dodge his big lightning slam attack and hit him or get in close during the firebreathing. You'll eventually fell the beast. The second part of the fight is a bit different. Always, always keep your shield leveled if if he's facing you. Be careful of the false positive moments to strike. Learn his patterns. Almost always, the best moment to get an attack in is directly after a thrust attack of any kind. He'll finish most of his combos with a thrust attack and many times you can get an attack in for a little damage. Patience is your best friend in this fight and becoming impatient is the quickest way to defeat. His big moves are the best moments to strike and sometimes you'll be able to sneak in two. If you do get hit in either phase, don't heal immediately but rather wait for a moment you could potentially strike. It's a full 8-10 minute fight. When you do eventually bring him down, it will all have been worth it.
- You can buy his armor from the Shrine Handmaiden
- The Dragonslayer Swordspear that you receive from transposition has one of Dark Souls 3's best weapon arts. If you can use it, do it
- Return to Andre to receive a message from an NPC and an end to his quest
- It is possible to riposte King of the Storm and the Nameless King when either of them collapse
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