The Top 50 Bosses in Soulsborne History

In honor of the release of the final Dark Souls game release, I've put together a list of the very best boss battles in the past 5 From Software titles. Interestingly, the breakdown of how many bosses from each title made it on to my list closely resembles how I would rank the series as a whole. Taking into account each DLC from each game release thus far, eight bosses made it on from Dark Souls II, eight from Demon's Souls (despite having literally half as many as DSII), ten from both Bloodborne and Dark Souls III (though six from Bloodborne made the top 20), and, with the most by a fair margin, the original Dark Souls landed fourteen bosses in the top 50. I've considered each boss in the series based on these following factors listed in order of importance: challenge, originality, first impression, posterity, and lore implications. I will list them with a brief three-beat (a three word description with the format of 'insert here' meets 'insert here'). I will add descriptions to the top 10 with a more detailed analysis a little further down the road.. Without further adieu, here are the top 50 boss battles in the Soulsborne series.

#50 Dark Sun Gwyndolin

Mysticism meets transgender.

#49 The Penetrator

Agility meets euphemism.

#48 The Stray Demon

Surprise meets learning-curve.

#47 Curse-Rotted Greatwood

Ent meets herpes.

#46 Lothric and Lorian, The Twin Princes

Re-materialization meets resuscitation .

#45 Iron Golem

Robot meets ledge.

#44 Headless Bloodletting Beast

Dr. Jekyll meets The Fly.

#43 Crossbreed Priscella

Atmosphere meets invisibility.

#42 High Lord Wolnir

.Ghost Rider meets bling.

 #41 Darkbeast Paarl

Electro meets Bones.

#40 The Storm King

Manta meets Mothra.

#39 Looking Glass Knight

Hecate meets Mirror on the Wall.

#38 Champion Gundyr

Tutorial meets upgrade.

#37 Old Hero

Silence meets survival.

#36 Smelter Demon

Balrog meets napalm.

#35 Bell Gargoyles

Gargoyle meets gargoyle.

#34 Darklurker

Angel meets Abyss.

#33 Gravelord Nito

Skeleton meets Caesar.

#32 Executioner's Chariot

Ben-Hur meets evil Seabiscuit.

#31 Soul of Cinder

Gwyn meets player character.

#30 Fume Knight

Wit meets end.

#29 Garl Vinland and Maiden Astrea

Beauty meets beast.

#28 Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower

Milla Jovovich meets Nurse Ratchet.

#27 Gwyn, Lord of Cinder

Parrying meets education.

#26 The Tower Knight

Mechassault meets Middle Ages.

#25 Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos

Kaiju meets Lovecraft.

#24 Aldrich, Devourer of Gods

Tremors meets Gwyndolin.

#23 Chaos Witch Quelaag

Arachnid meets Manga.

#22 Pontiff Sulyvahn

Aggressiveness meets Ghostbusters.

#21 Sir Alonne

Samurai meets precision.

#20 The Maneaters

Gothic meets demonic.

#19 Orphan of Kos

Premature baby meets Marilyn Manson

#18 Black Dragon Kalameet

Skyrim meets better dragon.

#17 Vicar Amelia

Nun meets Falkor the Luckdragon.

#16 The Four Kings

Nazgul meets Abyss.

#15 Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon

Biohazard meets Smaug.

#14 False King Allant

Colonialism meets steampunk.

#13 Martyr Logarias

Allant meets Gambit.

#12 Watchers of the Abyss

Swordplay meets friendly-fire.

#11 Ludwig the Accursed

The Thing meets Moonlight Greatsword.

# 10 The Ivory King

The Dark Side meets the Light.

#9 Father Gascoigne

Preacher meets metamophisis.

#8 Dancer of the Boreal Valley

Butterfly meets bee.

#7 Great Grey Wolf Sif

Loyalty meets tragedy.

#6 Flamelurker

Lizard meets tank.

#5 Manus, Father of the Abyss

Abyss meets father.

#4 Gehrman, The First Hunter

Anthony Hopkins meets Charles Dickens

#3 Knight Artorias

Honor meets downfall.

#2 Ornstein and Smough

Pikachu meets Snorlax.

#1 Nameless King

Perfection meets Dark Souls boss battles.


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