How to Beat the Cleric Beast - Bloodborne

How to Beat the Cleric Beast - Bloodborne

"Welcome to Bloodborne, friend."


The Cleric Beast is the first boss in the dark, macabre world of Bloodborne and he's a powerful critter. Screeching like a banshee, he will descend upon you on the far end of the bridge patrolled by the two werewolves, the crows, and the brick-wielding ogre. His attacks are viciously damaging for this point in the game but he generally moves slow and methodically. For first-time players of the Souls series, this will be the make it or break it point for the game.  Defeating the Cleric Beast is no simple task but the satisfaction that comes from finally felling him will propel you forward to tougher challenges. Well, let's get started!


Molotov Cocktail/Oil Urn

Far and away the best way to kill this guy is to save up your molotov cocktails and oil urns and burn his health down.  I highly, HIGHLY recommend not attempting this method during your first run through with the boss since these items are limited and will not replenish after death. First off, learn what moves you can punish with an oil urn/cocktail. Below this I've listed a full move-set and will reference them as we go through. The best times to toss an item are after the Right-Claw Swipe, the Four-Hit Combo, the Dive Bomb, the Overhead Smash, and the Double Ground Punch during his rage mode.  The primary goal is to sling an oil urn at him and then light him up with a Molotov. Typically, only sling one oil urn, then dodge, then the Molotov.  This will hit him for about one sixth of his life total.  If you don't have the oil urn on him, then a molotov will deal about half of that. Make sure you're not too far away when you toss one and that he's not about to jump in the air for his Dive Bomb.  Towards the end of your fight, you'll probably need to switch to melee so reference the section below.


This is a relatively long fight so make sure that you've got at least 10 health vials before starting. Be patient when learning when to strike but the best times to hit him would be after his Overhead Smash, Right-Claw Swipe and after the Four-Hit Combo.  Just get in a light hit and back away.  The exception to this is his Right-Claw Swipe where you'll be able to charge up and hit him before he recovers.  Once he enters Rage Mode (when he loses one third of his health) be much more careful. He will become more aggressive and his recovery times have shortened.  Another extremely relevant point is that if your able to his head during his attack animation, he will stagger, leaving him open to a brutal riposte. You may also shoot his face to trigger this but that is considerably less reliable. When he is staggered, take full advantage of it and get some hits in.  Finally, if you are hit, remember the regain system. If he's at the end of his animation, you can probably get one or two hits in to regain some health. During his rage mode, make sure you're not struck by his combo but try and see if you can get around him. His animation will continue and you will be able to get in 2-3 good hits.  If you need more information based on his individual attacks, check out the move-set below

"U mad, bro?"


Left-Claw Swipe

The beast will swipe his left claw for a low-radius and lightly damaging attack directly in front of him.  He recovers quickly from this attack and will often combo this into his Wide Right-Claw Swipe.  Note that he will only combo into this if you are close enough to warrant the attack.

Right-Claw Swipe

A slower but wider swipe from his right claw which comes directly after the Left-Claw Swipe.  This will damage you considerable if you're hit but also provides one of the few moves that can reliably attack afterwards since the recovery time for the Cleric Beast takes about a full second. Baiting this move out is tricky but possible for some reliable damage.

Four-Hit Combo

This combo starts off with a move that looks very similar to the left-claw swipe with one very important difference: the screech.  The Cleric Beast will screech just as he did when he entered the battlefield before this attack.  Dodge backwards until he swipes four times and you can get in for a light hit.  Note that if you are hit by the first or second swipe you will likely be hit by one or two other strikes effectively killing you.

Dive Bomb

The beast will leap into the air and slam down a few yards in front of him.  Dodging forwards is the most effective way of not being hit by this attack and provides you with an opportunity to get in a light hit after he has landed.

Overhead Smash

The beast will smash his right arm overhead and deal medium damage if it hits. There is a brief moment to hit him after this but if you miss do not follow it up as he will continue to attack.

Ground Punch

If you're close to his front side, he will perform a rapid maneuver where he literally pull his left hand back and immediately punches the ground. Dodge this and don't try to attack as his recovery is instantaneous. 


The Cleric Beast will occasionally raise his right arm, wait for about half a second, and then grab anything in front of him.  This attack, obviously, should be avoided at all costs. It is heavily damaging and will stun you.  On the plus side, it looks really cool so at least you'll be able to see that animation before you die.


If you are behind the Cleric Beast in close proximity after he finishes recovering from his previous attack, he will drag his claw along the ground behind him while spinning around.  The attack doesn't do much damage but it will stagger you.

Rage Mode - Dashing Swipe

Once you damage him down to about two-thirds of his health, the cleric beast will enter rage mode, or at least that's what I'm calling it.  He glows red and screeches.  After this point, he will become more aggressive and be able to cover a lot of ground quickly. His primary way of doing this is do dash forward and swipe with his left claw.  He will follow this up with a combo if you're close enough.

Rage Mode - Double Ground Punch

He will screech and punch the ground in front of him first with his left arm and then with his right. He recovers quickly from this and this is NOT a good time to attack him with a melee attack.  Just dodge away and wait for a better option. However, if you have a molotov cocktail, this is a good chance to toss one.

Rage Mode - Swipe Combo

Probably his most lethal attack, the swipe combo is similar to his 4-hit combo except it does more damage and he moves forward more rapidly than before. Again, he will screech before this attack but he attacks much faster than before. If you get caught by this, you're essentially dead.


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