Black Dragon Kalameet Guide

Black Dragon Kalameet

Black Dragon Kalameet initially makes your acquaintance by breathing a huge swath of instantly-killing black fire at you with no warning or mercy.  But revenge is ever so sweet.  After meeting Hawkeye Gough, he'll offer to bring the dragon down to your level making for one of the coolest cutscenes of the game.  Once grounded, the Black Dragon doesn't just roll over and die and takes it's place as one of the toughest bosses in the game.  However, while difficulty alone doesn't make an epic battle, Kalameet delivers a grandiose battle thanks to his beautiful design, vicious attack patterns, swiftness despite his size, and area-blasting, black fire manuevers.

Recommended Gear

  • Medium Armor (Highest rating without sacrificing the roll)
  • A Fast, Lightning Weapon (Or a buffable weapon with a bunch of gold pine resin)
  • Shield with at least 60 stability
  • 15 or more Estus Flasks
  • Green Blossoms

Move Set

  1. Head Slash - Fast, medium-damaging move that he can combo into a 2-hit manuever
  2. Charging Head Slash - An extremely fast, ranged attack where Kalameet will cover a lot of ground and swipe his head across the player.  Deals medium damage but also staggers.
  3. Sweeping Breath Attack - A ranged breath attack that will cross the screen from your right to left.  It has great range so make sure to back up far enough or, if your fast enough, sprint around to his left flank and get in a free hit. 
  4. Forward Breath Attack - A quick-acting breath attack that roils out directly in front of Kalameet. Easily dodgeable but extremely damaging if it catches you unaware. 
  5. Sitting Breath Attack - A slow, lathering of the area directly in front of Kalameet in black fire.  Easy to dodge and heavily damaging this move also allows a great time to get some hits in.  Just don't mistake it for his red-eyed telekinesis move or you'll be sorry. 
  6. Diagonal Foot Stomp - If you are right up in Kalameet's business, he's liable to smash down his closest foot to you and then his opposite, diagonal foot in quick succession.  Medium damage but hard to avoid. 
  7. Flying Charge Attack - Kalameet will rear into the air and glide toward you quickly, staggering you if you don't block.  This attack provides a great opening to cut off his tail if you block as he will take a moment to land and you can sprint up behind him.
  8. Tail Slam - After his Flying Charge Attack, he generally follows up with this tail smash.  The tail simply goes up and comes down hard, dealing moderate damage but leaving it vulnerable for a second as well.
  9. Tail Swipe - A more dangerous tail attack, the tail will swing horizontally twice dealing moderate damage on both hits and not leaving an opening to swing at the tail.
  10. Ground Charge Attack - Easily his most dangerous move, Kalameet will charge, on the ground, across the basin and follow that up by rapidly spinning and breathing fire in a horizontal arc.  The danger in this attack lies both in the fact that if he staggers you with the charge, you're going to get fire-blasted as well and in the fact that it looks a lot like the flying charge attack where you want to sprint up behind him. 
  11. Flying Fire AoE Attack - Easily recognizable, Kalameet will flap into the air a couple of times before unleashing a devastating area of effect, fire-breath attack. Roll away at least twice if you recognize the attack early.  If not, simply walk backwards with your shield up and absorb the minimal damage that will pass through your shield.
  12. Telekinesis - Kalameet will sit on his haunches, his forehead will light up, and a screech will be heard.  If you are near him when this happens, you'll know when it hits.  It'll elevate you in the air and a glowing red mark will appear over your head.  That means you'll take double damage for the rest of the fight.  Essentially, this is a battle ending debilitation as most of Kalameet's attack deal damage either past your shield or more than half you life.  Do not get hit by this. 


The fight is less about strategy and more about patience.  A long fight, even by Dark Souls standards, Kalameet will stretch your patience as much as your skills.  Every time you attack you want to do one or two hits then back away and await his next move.  NEVER attack until he attacks first.  If you have a lightning weapon or lightning buff, it should help as lightning does extra damage to dragons.  First and foremost, recognize the optimal moments to land one or two hits.  Such moments include right after his Sitting Breath Attack, where he gets on his haunches and breathes fire.  When you see it coming, roll towards him not away from him and you'll be safe. Lay on the pain for as long as the attack endures.  Another great moment to attack is after his Flying Charge Attack where he'll land on the opposite side and be still for a moment.  Hit him once or twice and bring up your shield.  If your going for the awesome tail-cut sword, now's the time to attack.  The danger with both of these attacks is that they look very similar to two other devastating attacks: Ground Charge Attack and Telekinesis.  Ensure that you have the right move before going in for the kill.  Your shield can absorb a good amount of damage from the dragon but remember that his fire attacks will still inflict some damage through the block.  If your block breaks during a flame attack, consider your days numbered, so always check your stamina level.  In fact, it would be wise to talk to Chester before this battle and stock up on Green Blossoms.  I suppose this next tip should be common knowledge but ALWAYS focus on the boss's next attack.  He can strike without warning and end the fight before you know what happened. 


After your victory, make sure to check behind the waterfall for a rare Titanite Slab.  
Also, speak with Hawkeye Gough numerous times and he will give you his bow, the most powerful one in the game. 


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