Top 10 Bosses in Dark Souls

Top 10 Bosses in Dark Souls

When I make top ten lists about bosses, I take into consideration three things: the quality of the fight, the art design and fighting style of the boss, and the motivations, from a story perspective or from a pure revenge standpoint, for me to defeat the enemy. 

10. Stray Demon

An alternative version of the first boss of the game, the Stray Demon appears after the floor gives out and you fall through the Asylum's courtyard to the demon's lair.  If you're adrenaline didn't get jacked-up in that moment, you're a Cylon.  His move set is ten times as dangerous as the Asylum Demon's though with extremely powerful, AoE attacks erupting from his staff.  Absolutely one of the most frustrating battles in the game, the line between difficult and unfair is straddled during this fight.  However, the Stray Demon never crosses into the realm of cheap and becomes an thrilling encounter as you try and make it behind him for a chance to hit him. As the only boss that I don't outright love on this list, the Stray Demon still gave me a run for my money and a similar run for my beer after I had beaten his swollen, demon ass.

9. Crossbreed Priscella

Another example of stunning art design by From Software, Crossbreed Priscella is the only boss who offers the player the choice not to fight.  Dripping with intrigue, Priscilla surprises before the fight even starts.  Once it does though, she fades to invisibility and has no problem trying to slaughter you with an oversized scythe.  Trying to follow her snowy footprints to know when she will attack is a testament to memorization.  In addition, her scythe causes massive bleeding damage that will destroy you if you're not careful. If fire is the player's specialty, Priscilla will reappear after taking enough damage.  The character herself is fascinating and the boss is exciting.  Good show, From Soft.

8. Iron Golem 

Perched on a demolished tower, the Iron Golem stands as the final test to get into the home of the gods: Anor Londo. While the boss deals significant damage, the more dangerous part of the battle is his tendency to knock you back even if you block. The battle takes place atop a narrow tower exponentially increasing the chance of getting thrown off an edge to your death. After dealing enough damage to his ankles, the Iron Golem topples giving the player an opportunity to beat away at  his face.  The fight certainly isn't one of the more skill-testing, mind-melting bosses but still stands out as being thematic, tense and bad-ass looking.

7. Bell Gargoyles

The first truly difficult boss encounter in the game, the encounter pits you against a flying, axe-tailed gargoyle wielding a halberd and a bad attitude.  After grinding your way through the first half of his health, you're feeling pretty good about your progress when another one shows up.  That's a brand new gargoyle that appears complete with devastating fire breath attack with incredible range.  Taking out either gargoyle leaves you exposed to the other's attacks, delivering a mind-numbing battle.  If you die the first time, you come back with an added respect for the time-pressure you're under to kill the first beast.  Exciting, dangerous and tone-setting for the rest of the game, this boss is fun as hell to defeat.

6. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder

As the final boss of the game, Gywn proves to be quite the challenger.  After slowly standing from a dwindling bonfire, he immediately lunges at you.  Hyper-aggressive and heavily damaging, he provides little room for error.  Throughout the game you've heard his name, you've heard about your destiny to succeed him, you've heard about linking the fire and this fight is what it all comes down to.  It's a fitting culmination of an incredible game.  The unique soundtrack played during the fight sets a somber tone, imbuing the whole battle with a sense of finality.  It's a great fight and a great finish. I just wish the sword you got from his soul was actually useful.

5. Gravelord Nito 

More intimidating than actually challenging, Gravelord Nito scores major points for looking so damn cool.  Seriously, since the opening cutscene introduced Nito, the First of the Dead, I was wondering when I finally got to face him in a battle to the death.  When that moment finally came, it felt epic, fending off his skeletons as he rounded the corner in all his glory.  A number of his moves take you off guard, including the iconic 'Miasma of Disease' and add tension throughout the fight.  Despite not being overly difficult, Gravelord Nito lives up to the promise of the opening cutscene, granting the player what they've wanted all along: To murder him.

4. Four Kings

The second most difficult boss in the game, the Four Kings provide a serious challenge.  Take too much time choosing a weapon or healing? Another King enters the fight. Try and rush in and spam the attack button? His attacks cut you down to size.  The balance needed between attacking, healing, dodging and blocking is a delicate one and one that you must master in order to defeat the Four Kings.  It's an entertaining mind game figuring out that balance and one of the most thrilling and memorable moments in Dark Souls.  Not to mention how he is the only boss that actually gets more difficult in NG+.

3. Chaos Witch Quelaag

When the cutscene for this boss starts, a nasty-looking spider demon can be seen slowly scuttling down a spiral staircase.  Then it slowly reveals a torso of an attractive woman attached to the beast and wicked smile brimming on her lips.  Damn, Dark Souls has awesome boss designs.  As Quelaag's lava attacks pepper the area, creating a dynamic battlefield, she tries to take you down using a fiery sword.  Not too difficult of a battle but a downright badass encounter nonetheless.

2. Great Grey Wolf Sif

Perhaps the most atmospheric fight of the game, the arena is the grave of the great Knight Artorias eternally guarded by his loyal Wolf.  Sif is no slouch on the battlefield either, nimble on his feet and quick on the attack.  His moves, when they land, deal serious damage, necessitating complete focus on the fight.  When you knock him down to low health, he begins to limp and whine making you almost regret cutting him down.  With the added features of the Prepare to Die edition, Sif plays a more prominent role in the game simultaneously making this battle even more memorable.

1. Ornstein and Smough

The ultimate Dark Souls battle, this fight challenges even the most skilled of players.  The combination of the quick, ranged Ornstein with the lumbering, heavy-damage machine Smough is lethal.  However, the sheer amount of satisfaction that comes with victory is a feeling second to none in gaming. This battle's ability to test your patience, skill and strategy makes it the best boss fight in Dark Souls.  
